Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance with SkanDek

SkanDek is a modern production company which pro-actively uses quality assurance in all phases of the project:

Quotation and Sales Phase

In this phase, the responsible sales person enters into a constructive dialogue with the developer’s or project management’s advisors, and sometimes the executing partners as well. We outline and discuss dimensions, functional requirements and solutions.
A sales log is prepared, containing a list of the project’s contact persons, as well as notes concerning the agreements reached between the various parties.

The Planning Phase

When the signed delivery contract has been returned to SkanDek, there will be a physical hand-over of the case between the sales person and the Project Department, which will then begin planning and designing according to the conditions in the contract. Potential differences relative to the original quotation material/basis for the contract can be settled between the Project and Sales departments.
The Project Department’s QA manual, with checklists prepared as ISO 9000, is the most essential tool. The sales log becomes part of the Project Department’sproject log, and will be updated regularly. The project worker’s QA will be reviewed by the project manager before the material is passed on to the next phase.
The completed designs will be sent to the customer and his advisors for approval/comments.

The Production Phase

Once the developer and his advisors have reviewed and returned the plans for the foundations of the production, the lay-out of the production plans will be studied by the person in charge of the production. The production plans follows all the panels to every single workstation together with traceability and process control forms, and specimens are taken from the roof foil. The traceability tables are signed and dated by the individual production worker and passed to the person in charge of the production. Each roof panel gets a number and is marked with the name of the customer (owner). QA material, process control forms and the static calculations are scanned and sent to the developer or his advisor when planning and production respectively are completed.

Annexes and Links

• Download SkanDek’s QA Manual (rev. okt. 2008).

• Download sample traceability tables and process control forms (rev. 2008).

• Quality assurance during execution and assembly.