The support beams.
SkanDeks elements are built around the patented SkanDek beams, but the beams can also be supplied loose for smaller projects or cases where items are inappropriate.
The patented beams produced in two Type
Box beam, which is used in the traditional SkanDek elements.
Grid beam used in SkanDek Green Line.
The two types of beams having different structures and strength parameters and, therefore, various conditions of use. This means that an engineer needs to address its needs before choosing element type.
Roofing felt are several different types of bituminous membranes, which are often used as two-layer solutions with an underfelt at the bottom and a top felt more firmly at the upper part as a finished roof covering.
Underfelt on the TF-30
Underfelt on the finished roof insulation.
Roofing elements that held for slope can advantageously be supplied with 30 mm rigid roof insulation, and roofing felt and ready for shredding. In this form of construction saves one of the two procedures on the building site to lay the two layers of roofing felt. Overall, this is often a cheaper option than to lay wedged isolation and subsequent two layers of cardboard on the construction site. SkanDek using most often a type of under felt PF 3000th
Underfelt fixed to the trapezoidal plate.
Close the roof before laying the tag soldering.187c9223f2
For flat roof is SkanDek’s items provided with an underfelt with welded overlays and mechanically attached to the trapezoidal steel plate. The roof elements must immediately afterward shred in the end and longitudinal joints so that the ceiling is close during the construction period.
As a conclusion, the contractor must installed min. 30 mm rigid insulation, in-built fall towards the drain. The finished roof insulation is completed then with foil or roofing felt.
Bitumen is a popular and well-known material that has been used since ancient times to seal include jars, houses, and ships, as water can not dissolve it.
During the production of roof elements, they are tied up welding tests included, as part of SkanDek’s quality assurance. The mechanical fixings into the trapezoidal steel plate dimensioned according to the weather. The PF-3000 under felt as SkanDek use are reinforced with a polyester felt.
Roofing felt consists primarily of bitumen, which in turn consists of hydrocarbons. The other fillers in the roofing considered include, among other things, sand, slag, polyester and slate( cap sheet). Bitumen derived from crude oil, but when hydrocarbons are linked in the bitumen, this non contributing to increased CO2 emissions, – opposite to the oil which is refined into fuel for internal combustion engines.
Roofing is increasingly being recycled. Immaculate bitumen residues can be remelted into new roofing felt, while others bitumen raster is recycled in among other road asphalt. That reduces the need for drilling for new crude oil.
Modern roofing membranes have a life expectancy of up to 25 – 30 years.
Roofing membranes included in SkanDek’s ETA for CE marking.