Preassure test
Pressure Testing
The Building requirements for air tightness is: “the exchange of air through leaks
Inside the building envelope may not exceed 1.5 l / S. m2 heated floor area with pressure test with 50Pa.
The pressure test result shows the average of under and over pressure measurement.
SkanDek has done to test around pressure (Blower Door Test) wherein one project – Aldi Kolding – the focus was on make the joints tight. The report demonstrates that with SkanDek roof, achieves amazing results. The test shows 0.33 l / s per link. m2, which is well below the allowable of 1.5 l / s per link. m2.
Looking to Skantag A/S report in position. Therefore, you have not made any forms of additional measures in the execution phase. The purpose of this report is to get an indication of which area of air density spectrum, SkanDek is located. The result shows that it could comply with a pressure test of 1.33 l / s per link. m2, which meets the requirement of the 1.5 l / s per link. m2.