

Element Structure

The traditional SkanDek elements, built up with box beams.

Beams shells are beg shifted from each other, to form sleek eaves of half the thickness.  The client and architects can choose whether they want a cantilevered upper or lower part.

Typisk tagudhæng til penthouse. Den øverste halvdel af SkanDek-bjælken er udkraget, for at danne et slankt tagudhæng (klik på grafik for A3 PDF).

Typically eaves to penthouses. The upper half of SkanDek beam is cantilevered to form slim eaves (click the graphic for A3 PDF).

Hidden fees.

SkanDek has complied with several architects’ desire to develop a solution that enables the ceilings and the underside of the steel frame can be flush to each other. The roof will thus appear as a light and “floating roof”.

Connector Block.

Under traditional SkanDek elements offer SkanDek, besides cantilever trusses, also jack rafters, which are placed along the element. Connector Block typically cantilevered 0.5 meters – the most powerful types can be cantilevered about 1.0 meters.

Design The Connector Block.

Design The Connector Block.

Rafter connector can makes in many different variations. It can carry out throughout the height of the bar or half bar height. Furthermore, they may also be made inclined.

Installation options:

For flat roofs will jack rafters often used in the gables, because it spans across the building.

By saddle tags constructions / console roof, tight SkanDek elements often along the building, as this provide optimal construction , in terms of stability, cost and reducing wear lines. These buildings use plug bulbs lengthwise of the building. The bulbs have an architectural value; meanwhile they reduce the glare’s sun, without compromising the flow of days light into the room.



  • Download details of the eaves as PDF or DWG.