Swift construction
SkanDeks patented roof elements meet the client’s requirement that the renovation / new construction must take place quickly and efficiently without it affecting the students and teachers.
Steel roof elements supplied with finished roofing, insulation, vapor barrier and ceiling. A SkanDek element can cover up to 80 m2 to give mounted 1000- 1500 m2 close tag per. day. Thereby the building owner gets the roof closed quickly and efficiently, and avoids the problems and damage that buildings get when they have been open longer during the construction period. Fast closure gives great advantages of both new buildings as renovation of existing roofs.
SkanDeks patented roof elements tailored exactly to the design task. Short construction time gets higher wages by using standard elements, which have a dimension of 16-18 meters in length and a width of 3.50 meters. SkanDek can supply elements with a free span up to 22 meters. In this way one can with roof construction, reduce construction time up to 8 times compared to a conventional roof – its economy.