SkanDek is the largest in the industry
Element structure
SkanDek is the largest in the industry
SkanDek is the largest in the industry.
SkanDeks patented steel elements constructed in customizes modules exactly like the projected job. The items will deliver according to the customer’s established criteria.
SkanDeks elements can range up to 22 m in free span, making SkanDek the largest in the industry. The large spans create an architectural freedom about decoration, as it is often possible to save the bearing walls.
Free span 22 meters
When a counselor will design with SkanDek, should he constantly have focused on making the right choice.
Based on an overall economic consideration, makes the construction constantly optimized.
The structure’s shape and size of the buildings have enormous importance for the price. It is normally easier to produce rectangular elements than oblique elements with different exchanges, recesses, etc.
SkanDek is best suited for large areas, so the building area should be greater than 500 m2. SkanDek can supply for buildings of less than 500 m2, but there will be some additional charge to cover the design and start-up costs.
Standard wide on a SkanDek elements are 3.50 meters that respect transport requirements with a maximum width of 3.50 meters. SkanDek can make element widths up to 3.70 meters that will require special permission to transport.
Determine the need.
SkanDek offers two different element types; SkanDek and SkanDek Green Line.
Selection of type depends on the need. SkanDek Green Line designed to meet the stricter U-value requirements in building regulations and will be the obvious choice for roofs constructions, while the traditional SkanDek is best suited for intermediate floor and roof constructions without significant U-value requirements.
You can read more about the two types of the product.
Many combination options.
SkanDeks steel elements can supply with several types of finished and semi-finished roof, floor and ceiling coverings.
To find the solution that is best suited for your project, try our By self-roof – Green Line or By self-floor slabs – SkanDek.